DJI AGRAS T20: Intelligent and Powerful
With its powerful performance and outstanding spraying capabilities, the T20 can conduct autonomous operations over a variety of terrains, such as broadacre farmlands, terraces, and orchards. New features, like an omnidirectional digital radar, have helped the T20 take stability and flight safety to the next level, providing users with highly efficient results.
DJI Agras T20 Sprayer Drone is an improved version of the DJI Agras T16. The DJI Agras T20 has a higher payload (5.28 Gallons), omnidirectional obstacle avoidance radar, and enhanced spraying system (4 electromagnetic flow sensors).
Larger Spray Tank (5.28 Gallons)
DJI Agras T20 spray drone can carry up to 20 liters (5.28 Gallons) of chemicals. The DJI Agras T20 allows you to spray larger farms with this drone compared to other DJI Agras Models. You will be able to spray the chemicals on 29.6 acres in one hour.
360 Degree Obstacle Avoidance
The DJI Agras T20 has a 360-degree obstacle avoidance radar.
Enhanced Sprayer System
The DJI Agras T20 has 4 diaphragm pumps and 4 electromagnetic sensors. Each pump feeds two TeeJet nozzles, and each pump output is controller accurately with a flowmeter. This system makes sure chemicals are discharged accurately on each side of the drone. The sprayer system can discharge the liquid at a maximum rate of 6 liters per minute, allowing the T20 to spray a full tank in as fast as 3.33 minutes.
You will be able to use a spreader with this drone to spread solid materials. You can control the amount that you spread and how far you spread the seeds or fertilizer.